Monday, June 16, 2014

How Does The Sun Impact Us On Earth You Say Stay To Find Out

How Does The Sun Impact Us Here On Earth
The sun is a special star that totally impacts us here on earth today and further on I will tell you why the sun impacts us here on Earth.

The Sun is a star that sends out light and heat,without the Sun there would be no life on Earth.

 The Sun is the closest star to Earth.If you drove a car through space at 113kmph it would take 152 years to reach it.

If you did not know the temp of the sun is 15 million ∘c that is what causes the to hydrogen atoms to crash together to form a helium atom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Sun has different layers to form energy two layers before the core is called a radioactive zone so the satellite can scan the Sun.We are the third planet from the Sun,So we are not too hot and not too cold,so animal,humans and plants can live.

All the waves in the Sun take 1 million years to reach the outside layer day is formed by the Earth orbiting the Sun.A solar eclipse is made by the moon blocking the Sun's light to Earth it is formed in weird angles that the moon is on.

The Sun makes weather on Earth.Sunlight warms the oceans,lakes and rivers The Sun has storms but with no rain just gasses through the air.

The Sun makes weather on Earth.Sunlight warms the oceans,lakes and rivers The Sun has storms but with no rain just gasses through the air.

Everyday the sun sends light,heat and energy down to Earth.We can feel its warmth and without it,we would be cold.Without the sun we would not be able to see at all; it would like a dark movie theater.If the sun burnt out there would be no energy to produce heat and light so there would be no life on Earth

I  hoped you enjoyed it see you next time.

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